Program directed by Janev Alvarez, PT, DPT
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is a true “patient visit” performed over the internet over a wide variety of audio-visual platforms. Paso Robles Physical Therapy uses Zoom as our Telehealth platform. It must be audio and visual to be a true telehealth visit. Because it is treated as a normal visit, it is billed as such to the insurance company. This is a valid substitute for an in person visit, though obviously there are marked limitations in regards to physical therapy interventions as there is no “hands on” treatment being done. Currently telehealth for PT is paid for by most insurance companies, including Medicare and most of our contracted third party insurance providers. Therefore, we are able to serve almost all of our current patients with this convenient technology for treatment. If you feel that you would like a telehealth visit feel free to call the staff of Paso Robles Physical Therapy and we would be happy to discuss this with you. We are trying to navigate through this unusual time and continue to provide quality care for our patients. Hoping the best for all of us. |